Continuing on with our search for the Singularity – See Article below- we will continue on with John von Neumann.
Around 1947 Von Neumann wrote an article on computing called : “First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC”. An article which described a computer architecture in which the data and the program are both stored in the computer’s memory in the same address space. This architecture is the basis of most modern computer designs found today. Modern computers are known as von Neumann Machines. The design is linear or sequential, in other words it is like a queue where you have to wait for the person in front of you to get attention before your request can be dealt with. Not exactly efficient, However the Brain does not work this way. Imagine trying to watch a film in which you need to wait a discrete period of time before you can watch the next bit and how, when you are watching each bit do you get to understand it?
The Brain is not sequential nor is it linear, the Brain works holistically. Many parts fire off all at the same time in many different areas of the brain, all at once. You may perceive thought as linear but it is not. So, although many great advances have been made in Artificial Intelligence – you cannot create a Singularity Event in replicating true thought by using a current von Neumann Machine. For this we need to think way outside of the box.
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